How to Apply for a Job When Hiring From Within

Some of the most appealing employment opportunities for job seekers are positions within the company they already work for. Many companies present current employees with opportunities to apply for new jobs before they announce the vacancy publicly. That give present employees a chance to make an impression before the vast majority of applicants.

Internal jobs also allow you to navigate a recruitment process that you are familiar with. It is likely that you understand the demands of the job, know the people you will be interviewing with, and have a workplace reputation that you can leverage to your advantage. That immediately puts you ahead of an outside hire.

It is important, however, to tailor your resume and other employment documents in a specific way. Internal jobs offer you advantages, but they also create unique demands. If you approach the application process with the right strategy, your chances of securing the job increase dramatically. Follow these tips when you are trying to move up within you own company.

Gather Resources
Since you already work for the company, you are in a unique position to get information about the job requirements, the candidate expectations, and the interviewing process. Before you apply, get as much information as possible about the vacancy. Remember that no detail is irrelevant.

Revise Your Employment History
Interviewers will be interested in your work for previous companies, but they are most interested in what you have accomplished since you’ve been with their company. Revise your resume and your cover  letter to accentuate your recent accomplishments. Weed out any language or details that will be obvious to the interviewer, and be sure to reference specific projects and benchmarks. The goal is to prove to the internal recruiter that you are already a valuable asset to the company, and that it is in their interest to keep you within the organization.

Highlight Professional Development
Employers want to know that their employees are taking the initiative to get better at their jobs. If you have attended classes, conferences, workshops, or seminars, highlight them on your resume. This shows initiative, and it also proves to your superiors that you are ready for more responsibility.

Treat the Process Seriously
Overconfidence can be serious hazard when you are applying for an internal job.  Don’t assume that just because your company knows you they will automatically promote you. Put as much time and thought into the application process as you would when applying at any company.

Remember, too, that you face competition from your coworkers, and that they have the same advantages that you do. You may also face challenges if your employer feels that vacating your current position will disrupt the company. Internal jobs present exciting opportunities, but they also present distinct challenges for the applicant. To learn more about moving up within your company, or moving on to another one, contact our experienced team of recruiters! We are happy to discuss any options you may be considering.

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