Help Desk to Testing


PeopleSoft Financials
Supported in:

  • Help Desk Expert
  • Tester

Consultant History

One of our top help desk specialists working on a large PeopleSoft Financials implementation expressed interest in growing his skills and moving into a more technical role. He was working on advancing his degree and wanted to leverage his new skills on the job.

The Challenge

Even though our help desk specialist expressed his desire to transition to a more technical role on the project, the challenge was in justifying the new role to the client, given the fact he had no prior experience with technical analysis and development.

The Solution

The first step was having his Resource Manager and the client Account Manager meet with our consultant to assess his project domain knowledge. In addition, we provided him with specific PeopleSoft Technical Training CDs to pick up the skills required on the project. Once the training had been completed and his new skills mapped to the project, the Account Manager then presented this information to the client to justify the transition.

The Success

The client welcomed the transition of our consultant from Help Desk to the Testing Team, not only because of his knowledge of internal processes, but also due to his new technical skills gained through training. This move to the testing team is the next step in transitioning toward his long-term goal of working as a technical developer on the project.