In May 2014, Mike Parker’s (Controller at The Squires Group) friends at Annapolis Water Sports asked him to go out and ski with them since Prop Talk Magazine was doing a story on them. The conditions were hard on the day they went out. The wind was howling and it was only in the 50s. Initially, Mike was disappointed when the July 2014 issue came out and there were no pictures or mention of him at all. But then a year later, one of Mike’s buddies told him there was a picture of him in the July 2015 issue (featured below) and then another buddy sent him the link of the video as well! Click here to see the video – Mike is in the frames from 30″- 48″ and 1’45”- 1’55”. Skiing is a passion for Mike and it is great to see this coverage in the Prop Talk Magazine.