Consultant of the Quarter (Q1 2021)

Q1 2021 CoQ JSPlease join us in congratulating Jitendra S. on being named The Squires Group “Consultant of the Quarter” for his outstanding work supporting our long-term Energy client.

Over the last 6 years, Jitendra has been working as an Enterprise Integration/Solution Architect with The Squires Group supporting various projects for our Energy client. Recently, he’s been working with the Predictive Solutions and Engineering (ENE) team, developing the entire integration to support a new QMS Model from Predictive Solution’s SafetyNet Application to the new EN Engineering QMS on-prem database. Jitendra assisted in the setup of the environments and integrations from Predictive Solutions SafetyNet to the new QMS database and then to the new ENE QMS Model tool.

With his help, our client was able to execute an intricate testing strategy with numerous moving pieces. Throughout this project, Jitendra worked diligently to identify the root causes to several complex issues and work collaboratively with the business lead and the vendors, ENE and Predictive Solutions. The goal was not only to resolve issues, but to ensure that they had developed a method of exception handling that would prevent issues from reoccurring in the future. As a measure of his total dedication, he even supported the transition while he was on vacation and worked long hours to help solve a critical integration issue that needed his immediate attention.

“Jitendra’s individual and collective contributions allowed us to maximize the capabilities of the QMS Model integrated system and deliver value to our organization. We are currently working on leveraging the data from this tool to develop Value Drivers across the organization that will improve the quality of our infrastructure and people systems,” said Jitendra’s Project Director in recognition for his contribution on the project.

Congrats to Jitendra! We appreciate all your hard work and dedication over the years. We are grateful that you are a member of our Squires Group Team while successfully helping our clients Built Great SM.

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