Is Your Talent Pipeline Broken? Here’s What to Do:

Today, recruiting successfully is increasingly challenging for many companies. However, some organizations are seeing results far below their competitors. When that happens, some companies start believing that the talent they need simply doesn’t exist or that there aren’t any professionals available with the right skills.

In reality, the most likely culprit isn’t a pure lack of candidates. Instead, a broken talent pipeline may be to blame. Little leaks and small missteps can significantly diminish your access to talent. Additionally, a recruitment process that isn’t inclusive could be preventing you from reaching or connecting with diverse candidates.

With the tight labor market, reevaluating your talent pipeline management is essential if you want to recruit successfully. Here’s what you need to do.

Update Your Job Descriptions

Your job descriptions can’t simply list the experience and skills you want to find in candidates; they also need to present a compelling employer value proposition. Start by reviewing your job descriptions and determining if they showcase what you have to offer employees effectively, including details about salaries, benefits, perks, and your company culture.

Additionally, review the verbiage to make sure it’s inclusive. Remove all gendered terms, opting for neutral alternatives. Change job titles or descriptions that may be culturally insensitive, removing words like “ninja” and “guru.”

Also, pare down your must-have list to genuine essentials. Many candidates will screen themselves out if they don’t have everything you’re requesting, causing you to miss out on job seekers who genuinely have the potential to thrive.

It’s also wise to include an overview of your recruitment process. Let candidates see your general timeline immediately, including each stage they’ll ultimately navigate.

Revamp Your Interview Process

Many companies use highly unstructured interview processes, leaving the door open for bias. Instead, get a team of diverse professionals to come together and create a formal list of interview questions for the job, ensuring the interviewer has a specific framework to follow.

Additionally, develop an official scoring rubric. This ensures that candidates are considered fairly. Plus, it can help to hire managers quickly compare the performance of multiple job seekers, ensuring that those who truly stood out in the moment get a chance to advance.

Tap New Recruitment Resources

Relying on the recruitment resources of yesteryear isn’t effective today. If your company is relying solely on major job boards, you won’t reach all of the potential candidates who might find your opportunities intriguing.

Sourcing talent effectively requires a multi-faceted approach, allowing you to meet talent where they are currently. Posting jobs on social media is an easy place to start. You can also connect with local professional groups, universities, and career support centers.

Partnering with a staffing firm is also wise. Recruitment firms have carefully cultivated talent pools brimming with active and passive local job seekers. Plus, staffing firms typically do the initial screening and spend time connecting with candidates. Along with allowing you to offer a better candidate experience, the staffing agency can deliver higher-quality matches for your open positions.


If you’re ready to experience the difference partnering with a staffing firm can make, the staff at The Squires Group wants to hear from you. Contact us today.



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