When you’re looking for a new job, partnering with a staffing firm is an excellent option. Along with getting access to more opportunities, it provides you with resources and additional support, making the process less intimidating. However, not all recruitment agencies are created equal, and The Squires Group consistently works to separate itself from the competition.
At The Squires Group, our team prides itself on offering an unparalleled experience to candidates and clients alike. Along with continuously striving for excellence, our company is consistently recognized for its exceptional quality.
Overall, The Squires Group has an impressive track record of awards and recognition. Here’s a look at what The Squires Group has achieved and what it means for you as a job seeker.
Best of Staffing Talent Satisfaction
In 2023, The Squires Group was awarded the Best of Staffing Talent Satisfaction Diamond Award for providing exceptional service to candidates for five consecutive years. The award is based on feedback from placed talent who used The Squires Group to find a position. Overall, 81.8 percent of placed talent at The Squires Group rated their experience at least a 9 out of 10, which is far above the industry average of just 45 percent.
As a candidate, that means you can expect more from The Squires Group. Our team prioritizes your satisfaction, and that guides every action our recruiters take. We don’t just work to place you quickly; we strive to find the best possible match based on your experience and skills, as well as career goals, cultural preferences, and more. In turn, securing a right-fit job through The Squires Group is easier, allowing you to advance your career efficiently and with all the support you need.
Best of Staffing Client Satisfaction
The Squires Group received the Best of Staffing Client Satisfaction Diamond Award in 2023, marking five consecutive years of superior service. Among our client companies, 94.4 percent rated their experience with The Squires Group at least a 9 out of 10, significantly exceeding the industry average of 46 percent.
As a job seeker, high client satisfaction works in your favor. It means local employers trust us to exceed their expectations, causing them to turn to us for talent more often. In turn, candidates get more access to exciting opportunities, all because our clients know that they can trust the team from The Squires Group to meet their needs.
Best of Staffing Employee Satisfaction
At The Squires Group, we also prioritize our employees. That’s why our company was proud to receive the Best of Staffing Employee Satisfaction award in 2023, showcasing that our employees are just as happy as our clients and talent.
Candidates benefit from partnering with recruiters who love their positions. High job satisfaction means our team is consistently at its best and is happy to go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction. As a result, you can expect more from our team, leading to a better overall experience.