Dealing with Generational Gaps Among Coworkers

Today, many companies have at least four generations represented in their workplace. While every employee is undoubtedly unique, certain issues frequently arise due to different generations’ views on work. These disconnects can hinder communication, collaboration, and productivity, harming company operations. Often, professionals view generational gaps as a problem employers need to address. However, when they… Read more »

A Guide to a Successful Job Search

Managing a job search is tricky under the best of circumstances. However, it’s even harder if you’re currently employed. Often, giving your job search the time and energy it needs is difficult after a long day at work. This is particularly true if your personal responsibilities are also daunting. Fortunately, it’s possible to have a… Read more »

What You Need to Take Off Your Resume, Today!

Creating a stellar resume is about more than what you need to include; it’s also about what needs to be left off. Some job seekers try to stretch the content of their resume to fill more space, resulting in fluff and filler that doesn’t provide any value. And in some cases, these extraneous details can… Read more »

The Power of the Remote Worker

When it comes to hiring top talent, companies often have to step outside their comfort zone to attract the best candidates for their open positions. One of the benefits making headway in organizations of all sizes is the ability to work remotely. Whether it is an occasional option for otherwise traditional employment arrangements or a… Read more »

Relocating for an IT Job? Here Are the Key Things to Consider

Not every city has the same level of opportunities for IT professionals. So, when you seem to run out of reasonable options, it is only natural to consider whether relocating for a new tech job is the right move. Finding a new position when you don’t live in the target area is challenging enough, but… Read more »

How to Hire Self-Starters

Being able to use one’s own judgment to solve problems and make decisions is critical in the IT field. Having to take the time to explain every detail of situations as they occur isn’t ideal in a fast-paced environment, and can cripple other team members who are working on joint projects. So, how do you… Read more »

3 Types of Interviewers You May Encounter, and How to Handle Each

Every interviewer you encounter has a different personality, and their individual traits often influence how they interview and assess job candidates. The trickiest part of this is you don’t know which kind of interviewer you will encounter until you are in the room with them. That means you can’t always prepare ahead of time to… Read more »

How to Prepare for a Tech Job Interview

Many tech pros feel fairly well equipped to manage a traditional job interview; you simply take the time to research the company, practice a few answers and take a deep breath. However, preparing for a technical interview can feel like an entirely different monster. Often, it is hard to predict what is going to be… Read more »

Don’t Forget About Your Soft Skills

Many job seekers focus on their hard skills on their resumes and during their interviews. While having the technical know-how required to manage work duties is important, there is much more that goes into being a great candidate than your task-oriented abilities. Soft skills can actually help set you apart from the crowd and may… Read more »

Does Your Business Culture Matter to Prospective Employees?

Every business operating has a particular culture regardless of its size. It is a reflection of the company’s values, attitudes and priorities based on the actions of its employees and leadership. Additionally, the physical environment is also considered part of the larger equation. And cumulatively, the culture can be seen as a positive or a… Read more »